Support NASA
The goal for this project is to link two of my passions: space and web artistry.
Some of modern-day's greatest technologies have come out of NASA's mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. There has been no greater inspiration to mankind than by landing people on the moon, sending robots to other planets, and looking out to the edges of the universe.
The DONATE button donates directly to NASA, so this site is literally about donating back to NASA.
But it's also about paying it forward. I hope other people inspired by space and science will be inspired by these selections. I hope it will spark their imagination for invention as well.
This project was inspired by @femmebot's project HAND-PICKED TALES from ÆSOP’S FABLES with HAND-PICKED TYPE from GOOGLE FONTS. I think it embodies the spirit of what NASA does each time it open sources its latest finding.
If you share these passions too, submit a pull request.
This is my small way to give back.